Kembalikan peringatan dan kesalahan saat mengurai string tanggal:
<?php date_create("gyuiyiuyui%&&/"); print_r(date_get_last_errors()); ?> // Output : Array ( [warning_count] => 1 [warnings] => Array ( [6] => Double timezone specification ) [error_count] => 5 [errors] => Array ( [0] => The timezone could not be found in the database [10] => Unexpected character [11] => Unexpected character [12] => Unexpected character [13] => Unexpected character ) )
Section Artikel
Fungsi date_get_last_errors()
mengembalikan peringatan / kesalahan yang ditemukan saat mengurai string tanggal.
Return Value: | Mengembalikan larik yang berisi informasi tentang kesalahan / peringatan |
PHP Version: | 5.3+ |