Kode simbol html untuk kategori Musical Symbols atau yang sering kita sebut Simbol Musik cek dan pelajari kode pemrograman, css, unicode, dan bahasa pemrograman lain untuk simbol-simbol yang ada di HTMl.
Section Artikel
- 1 Kecelakaan / Accidentals
- 2 Analitik / Analytics
- 3 Artikulasi / Articulation
- 4 Bar / Bars
- 5 Balok dan slur / Beams and slurs
- 6 Kunci musik / Clefs
- 7 Codas / Codas
- 8 Dinamika / Dynamics
- 9 Pengulangan gambar / Figure repetitions
- 10 Bendera / Flags
- 11 Notasi Gregorian / Gregorian notation
- 12 Tahan dan jeda / Holds and pauses
- 13 Peralatan / Instrumentation
- 14 Notasi menstruasi / Mensural notation
- 15 Simbol lain-lain / Miscellaneous symbols
- 16 Notehead / Noteheads
- 17 Catatan / Notes
- 18 Oktaf / Octaves
- 19 Ornamen / Ornaments
- 20 Pedal / Pedals
- 21 Istirahat / Rests
- 22 Tanda kurung staf / Staff brackets
- 23 Tongkat / Staves
- 24 Batang / Stems
- 25 Tabulasi / Tablature
- 26 Tanda tangan waktu / Time signatures
- 27 Tremolo / Tremolos
Kecelakaan / Accidentals
Simbol | HTML Code | HTML Entity | CSS Code | Hex Code | Unicode | Keterangan |
♭ | ♭ | ♭ | \266D | ♭ | U+0266D | Tanda Datar Musik |
♮ | ♮ | ♮ | \266E | ♮ | U+0266E | Tanda Alam Musik |
♯ | ♯ | ♯ | \266F | ♯ | U+0266F | Tanda Musik Yang Tajam |
𝄪 | 𝄪 | \1D12A | 𝄪 | U+1D12A | Simbol Musik Tajam Ganda | |
𝄫 | 𝄫 | \1D12B | 𝄫 | U+1D12B | Simbol Musik Flat Ganda | |
𝄬 | 𝄬 | \1D12C | 𝄬 | U+1D12C | Simbol Musik Datar | |
𝄭 | 𝄭 | \1D12D | 𝄭 | U+1D12D | Simbol Musik Datar | |
𝄮 | 𝄮 | \1D12E | 𝄮 | U+1D12E | Simbol Musik Natural Up | |
𝄯 | 𝄯 | \1D12F | 𝄯 | U+1D12F | Simbol Musik Turun Alami | |
𝄰 | 𝄰 | \1D130 | 𝄰 | U+1D130 | Simbol Musik Tajam | |
𝄱 | 𝄱 | \1D131 | 𝄱 | U+1D131 | Simbol Musik Tajam Ke Bawah | |
𝄲 | 𝄲 | \1D132 | 𝄲 | U+1D132 | Simbol Musik Seperempat Nada Tajam | |
𝄳 | 𝄳 | \1D133 | 𝄳 | U+1D133 | Simbol Musik Seperempat Nada Datar |
Analitik / Analytics
Simbol | HTML Code | HTML Entity | CSS Code | Hex Code | Unicode | Keterangan |
𝆦 | 𝆦 | \1D1A6 | 𝆦 | U+1D1A6 | Simbol Musik Hauptstimme | |
𝆧 | 𝆧 | \1D1A7 | 𝆧 | U+1D1A7 | Simbol Musik Nebenstimme | |
𝆨 | 𝆨 | \1D1A8 | 𝆨 | U+1D1A8 | Simbol Musik Akhir Dari Stimme | |
𝆩 | 𝆩 | \1D1A9 | 𝆩 | U+1D1A9 | Garis Miring Simbol Musik |
Artikulasi / Articulation
Simbol | HTML Code | HTML Entity | CSS Code | Hex Code | Unicode | Keterangan |
𝅻 | 𝅻 | \1D17B | 𝅻 | U+1D17B | Simbol Musik Menggabungkan Aksen | |
𝅼 | 𝅼 | \1D17C | 𝅼 | U+1D17C | Simbol Musik Menggabungkan Staccato | |
𝅽 | 𝅽 | \1D17D | 𝅽 | U+1D17D | Simbol Musik Menggabungkan Tenuto | |
𝅾 | 𝅾 | \1D17E | 𝅾 | U+1D17E | Simbol Musik Menggabungkan Staccatissimo | |
𝅿 | 𝅿 | \1D17F | 𝅿 | U+1D17F | Simbol Musik Menggabungkan Marcato | |
𝆀 | 𝆀 | \1D180 | 𝆀 | U+1D180 | Simbol Musik Menggabungkan Marcato-Staccato | |
𝆁 | 𝆁 | \1D181 | 𝆁 | U+1D181 | Simbol Musik Yang Menggabungkan Aksen-Staccato | |
𝆂 | 𝆂 | \1D182 | 𝆂 | U+1D182 | Simbol Musik Menggabungkan Loure | |
𝆃 | 𝆃 | \1D183 | 𝆃 | U+1D183 | Simbol Musik Arpeggiato Up | |
𝆄 | 𝆄 | \1D184 | 𝆄 | U+1D184 | Simbol Musik Arpeggiato Turun | |
𝆅 | 𝆅 | \1D185 | 𝆅 | U+1D185 | Simbol Musik Menggabungkan Doit | |
𝆆 | 𝆆 | \1D186 | 𝆆 | U+1D186 | Simbol Musik Menggabungkan Rip | |
𝆇 | 𝆇 | \1D187 | 𝆇 | U+1D187 | Simbol Musik Menggabungkan Flip | |
𝆈 | 𝆈 | \1D188 | 𝆈 | U+1D188 | Simbol Musik Menggabungkan Noda | |
𝆉 | 𝆉 | \1D189 | 𝆉 | U+1D189 | Simbol Musik Menggabungkan Tikungan | |
𝆊 | 𝆊 | \1D18A | 𝆊 | U+1D18A | Simbol Musik Menggabungkan Lidah Ganda | |
𝆋 | 𝆋 | \1D18B | 𝆋 | U+1D18B | Simbol Musik Yang Menggabungkan Tiga Lidah | |
𝆌 | 𝆌 | \1D18C | 𝆌 | U+1D18C | Simbol Musik Rinforzando | |
𝆍 | 𝆍 | \1D18D | 𝆍 | U+1D18D | Simbol Musik Subito | |
𝆎 | 𝆎 | \1D18E | 𝆎 | U+1D18E | Simbol Musik Z |
Bar / Bars
Simbol | HTML Code | HTML Entity | CSS Code | Hex Code | Unicode | Keterangan |
𝄀 | 𝄀 | \1D100 | 𝄀 | U+1D100 | Simbol Musik Single Barline | |
𝄁 | 𝄁 | \1D101 | 𝄁 | U+1D101 | Simbol Musik Barline Ganda | |
𝄂 | 𝄂 | \1D102 | 𝄂 | U+1D102 | Garis Akhir Simbol Musik | |
𝄃 | 𝄃 | \1D103 | 𝄃 | U+1D103 | Simbol Musik Membalikkan Garis Akhir | |
𝄄 | 𝄄 | \1D104 | 𝄄 | U+1D104 | Simbol Musik Garis Putus-Putus | |
𝄅 | 𝄅 | \1D105 | 𝄅 | U+1D105 | Simbol Musik Barline Pendek |
Balok dan slur / Beams and slurs
Simbol | HTML Code | HTML Entity | CSS Code | Hex Code | Unicode | Keterangan |
| 𝅳 | \1D173 | 𝅳 | U+1D173 | Simbol Musik Mulai Balok | |
| 𝅴 | \1D174 | 𝅴 | U+1D174 | Balok Akhir Simbol Musik | |
| 𝅵 | \1D175 | 𝅵 | U+1D175 | Simbol Musik Mulai Dasi | |
| 𝅶 | \1D176 | 𝅶 | U+1D176 | Dasi Akhir Simbol Musik | |
| 𝅷 | \1D177 | 𝅷 | U+1D177 | Simbol Musik Mulai Cercaan | |
| 𝅸 | \1D178 | 𝅸 | U+1D178 | Cercaan Akhir Simbol Musik | |
| 𝅹 | \1D179 | 𝅹 | U+1D179 | Simbol Musik Mulai Frase | |
| 𝅺 | \1D17A | 𝅺 | U+1D17A | Frase Akhir Simbol Musik |
Kunci musik / Clefs
Simbol | HTML Code | HTML Entity | CSS Code | Hex Code | Unicode | Keterangan |
𝄞 | 𝄞 | \1D11E | 𝄞 | U+1D11E | Simbol Musik G Kunci | |
𝄟 | 𝄟 | \1D11F | 𝄟 | U+1D11F | Simbol Musik G Kunci Ottava Alta | |
𝄠 | 𝄠 | \1D120 | 𝄠 | U+1D120 | Simbol Musik G Clef Ottava Bassa | |
𝄡 | 𝄡 | \1D121 | 𝄡 | U+1D121 | Simbol Musik C Clef | |
𝄢 | 𝄢 | \1D122 | 𝄢 | U+1D122 | Simbol Musik F Kunci | |
𝄣 | 𝄣 | \1D123 | 𝄣 | U+1D123 | Simbol Musik F Kunci Ottava Alta | |
𝄤 | 𝄤 | \1D124 | 𝄤 | U+1D124 | Simbol Musik F Kunci Ottava Bassa | |
𝄥 | 𝄥 | \1D125 | 𝄥 | U+1D125 | Simbol Musik Drum Clef-1 | |
𝄦 | 𝄦 | \1D126 | 𝄦 | U+1D126 | Simbol Musik Drum Clef-2 | |
🎼 | 🎼 | \1F3BC | 🎼 | U+1F3BC | Skor Musik |
Codas / Codas
Simbol | HTML Code | HTML Entity | CSS Code | Hex Code | Unicode | Keterangan |
𝄆 | 𝄆 | \1D106 | 𝄆 | U+1D106 | Simbol Musik Tanda Ulangi Kiri | |
𝄇 | 𝄇 | \1D107 | 𝄇 | U+1D107 | Simbol Musik Tanda Ulangi Kanan | |
𝄈 | 𝄈 | \1D108 | 𝄈 | U+1D108 | Titik Pengulangan Simbol Musik | |
𝄉 | 𝄉 | \1D109 | 𝄉 | U+1D109 | Simbol Musik Dal Segno | |
𝄊 | 𝄊 | \1D10A | 𝄊 | U+1D10A | Simbol Musik Da Capo | |
𝄋 | 𝄋 | \1D10B | 𝄋 | U+1D10B | Simbol Musik Segno | |
𝄌 | 𝄌 | \1D10C | 𝄌 | U+1D10C | Simbol Musik Coda |
Dinamika / Dynamics
Simbol | HTML Code | HTML Entity | CSS Code | Hex Code | Unicode | Keterangan |
𝆏 | 𝆏 | \1D18F | 𝆏 | U+1D18F | Piano Simbol Musik | |
𝆐 | 𝆐 | \1D190 | 𝆐 | U+1D190 | Simbol Musik Mezzo | |
𝆑 | 𝆑 | \1D191 | 𝆑 | U+1D191 | Simbol Musik Forte | |
𝆒 | 𝆒 | \1D192 | 𝆒 | U+1D192 | Simbol Musik Crescendo | |
𝆓 | 𝆓 | \1D193 | 𝆓 | U+1D193 | Simbol Musik Decrescendo |
Pengulangan gambar / Figure repetitions
Simbol | HTML Code | HTML Entity | CSS Code | Hex Code | Unicode | Keterangan |
𝄍 | 𝄍 | \1D10D | 𝄍 | U+1D10D | Simbol Musik Berulang Angka-1 | |
𝄎 | 𝄎 | \1D10E | 𝄎 | U+1D10E | Simbol Musik Berulang Angka-2 | |
𝄏 | 𝄏 | \1D10F | 𝄏 | U+1D10F | Simbol Musik Diulang Angka-3 |
Bendera / Flags
Simbol | HTML Code | HTML Entity | CSS Code | Hex Code | Unicode | Keterangan |
𝅮 | 𝅮 | \1D16E | 𝅮 | U+1D16E | Simbol Musik Menggabungkan Bendera-1 | |
𝅯 | 𝅯 | \1D16F | 𝅯 | U+1D16F | Simbol Musik Menggabungkan Bendera-2 | |
𝅰 | 𝅰 | \1D170 | 𝅰 | U+1D170 | Simbol Musik Menggabungkan Bendera-3 | |
𝅱 | 𝅱 | \1D171 | 𝅱 | U+1D171 | Simbol Musik Menggabungkan Bendera-4 | |
𝅲 | 𝅲 | \1D172 | 𝅲 | U+1D172 | Simbol Musik Menggabungkan Bendera-5 |
Notasi Gregorian / Gregorian notation
Simbol | HTML Code | HTML Entity | CSS Code | Hex Code | Unicode | Keterangan |
𝇐 | 𝇐 | \1D1D0 | 𝇐 | U+1D1D0 | Simbol Musik Gregorian C Clef | |
𝇑 | 𝇑 | \1D1D1 | 𝇑 | U+1D1D1 | Simbol Musik Gregorian F Clef | |
𝇒 | 𝇒 | \1D1D2 | 𝇒 | U+1D1D2 | Kotak Simbol Musik B | |
𝇓 | 𝇓 | \1D1D3 | 𝇓 | U+1D1D3 | Simbol Musik Virga | |
𝇔 | 𝇔 | \1D1D4 | 𝇔 | U+1D1D4 | Simbol Musik Podatus | |
𝇕 | 𝇕 | \1D1D5 | 𝇕 | U+1D1D5 | Simbol Musik Clivis | |
𝇖 | 𝇖 | \1D1D6 | 𝇖 | U+1D1D6 | Skandikus Simbol Musik | |
𝇗 | 𝇗 | \1D1D7 | 𝇗 | U+1D1D7 | Klimaks Simbol Musik | |
𝇘 | 𝇘 | \1D1D8 | 𝇘 | U+1D1D8 | Torculus Simbol Musik | |
𝇙 | 𝇙 | \1D1D9 | 𝇙 | U+1D1D9 | Simbol Musik Porrectus | |
𝇚 | 𝇚 | \1D1DA | 𝇚 | U+1D1DA | Simbol Musik Porrectus Flexus | |
𝇛 | 𝇛 | \1D1DB | 𝇛 | U+1D1DB | Simbol Musik Scandicus Flexus | |
𝇜 | 𝇜 | \1D1DC | 𝇜 | U+1D1DC | Simbol Musik Torculus Resupinus | |
𝇝 | 𝇝 | \1D1DD | 𝇝 | U+1D1DD | Simbol Musik Pes Subpunctis |
Tahan dan jeda / Holds and pauses
Simbol | HTML Code | HTML Entity | CSS Code | Hex Code | Unicode | Keterangan |
𝄐 | 𝄐 | \1D110 | 𝄐 | U+1D110 | Simbol Musik Fermata | |
𝄑 | 𝄑 | \1D111 | 𝄑 | U+1D111 | Simbol Musik Fermata Di Bawah Ini | |
𝄒 | 𝄒 | \1D112 | 𝄒 | U+1D112 | Tanda Nafas Simbol Musik | |
𝄓 | 𝄓 | \1D113 | 𝄓 | U+1D113 | Simbol Musik Caesura |
Peralatan / Instrumentation
Simbol | HTML Code | HTML Entity | CSS Code | Hex Code | Unicode | Keterangan |
𝆪 | 𝆪 | \1D1AA | 𝆪 | U+1D1AA | Simbol Musik Menggabungkan Busur Bawah | |
𝆫 | 𝆫 | \1D1AB | 𝆫 | U+1D1AB | Simbol Musik Menggabungkan Busur | |
𝆬 | 𝆬 | \1D1AC | 𝆬 | U+1D1AC | Simbol Musik Menggabungkan Harmonik | |
𝆭 | 𝆭 | \1D1AD | 𝆭 | U+1D1AD | Simbol Musik Menggabungkan Snap Pizzicato |
Notasi menstruasi / Mensural notation
Simbol | HTML Code | HTML Entity | CSS Code | Hex Code | Unicode | Keterangan |
𝆶 | 𝆶 | \1D1B6 | 𝆶 | U+1D1B6 | Simbol Musik Maxima | |
𝆷 | 𝆷 | \1D1B7 | 𝆷 | U+1D1B7 | Simbol Musik Longa | |
𝆸 | 𝆸 | \1D1B8 | 𝆸 | U+1D1B8 | Simbol Musik Brevis | |
𝆹 | 𝆹 | \1D1B9 | 𝆹 | U+1D1B9 | Simbol Musik Semibrevis Putih | |
𝆺 | 𝆺 | \1D1BA | 𝆺 | U+1D1BA | Simbol Musik Semibrevis Hitam | |
𝆹𝅥 | 𝆹𝅥 | \1D1BB | 𝆹𝅥 | U+1D1BB | Minimal Simbol Musik | |
𝆺𝅥 | 𝆺𝅥 | \1D1BC | 𝆺𝅥 | U+1D1BC | Simbol Musik Minima Hitam | |
𝆹𝅥𝅮 | 𝆹𝅥𝅮 | \1D1BD | 𝆹𝅥𝅮 | U+1D1BD | Simbol Musik Semiminima Putih | |
𝆺𝅥𝅮 | 𝆺𝅥𝅮 | \1D1BE | 𝆺𝅥𝅮 | U+1D1BE | Simbol Musik Semiminima Hitam | |
𝆹𝅥𝅯 | 𝆹𝅥𝅯 | \1D1BF | 𝆹𝅥𝅯 | U+1D1BF | Simbol Musik Fusa Putih | |
𝆺𝅥𝅯 | 𝆺𝅥𝅯 | \1D1C0 | 𝆺𝅥𝅯 | U+1D1C0 | Simbol Musik Fusa Hitam | |
𝇁 | 𝇁 | \1D1C1 | 𝇁 | U+1D1C1 | Simbol Musik Longa Perfecta Rest | |
𝇂 | 𝇂 | \1D1C2 | 𝇂 | U+1D1C2 | Simbol Musik Longa Imperfecta Rest | |
𝇃 | 𝇃 | \1D1C3 | 𝇃 | U+1D1C3 | Simbol Musik Istirahat Brevis | |
𝇄 | 𝇄 | \1D1C4 | 𝇄 | U+1D1C4 | Simbol Musik Istirahat Semibrevis | |
𝇅 | 𝇅 | \1D1C5 | 𝇅 | U+1D1C5 | Simbol Musik Minimal Istirahat | |
𝇆 | 𝇆 | \1D1C6 | 𝇆 | U+1D1C6 | Simbol Musik Istirahat Semiminima | |
𝇇 | 𝇇 | \1D1C7 | 𝇇 | U+1D1C7 | Simbol Musik Tempus Perfectum Cum Prolatione Perfecta | |
𝇈 | 𝇈 | \1D1C8 | 𝇈 | U+1D1C8 | Simbol Musik Tempus Perfectum Cum Prolatione Imperfecta | |
𝇉 | 𝇉 | \1D1C9 | 𝇉 | U+1D1C9 | Simbol Musik Tempus Perfectum Cum Prolatione Perfecta Diminution-1 | |
𝇊 | 𝇊 | \1D1CA | 𝇊 | U+1D1CA | Simbol Musik Tempus Imperfectum Cum Prolatione Perfecta | |
𝇋 | 𝇋 | \1D1CB | 𝇋 | U+1D1CB | Simbol Musik Tempus Imperfectum Cum Prolatione Imperfecta | |
𝇌 | 𝇌 | \1D1CC | 𝇌 | U+1D1CC | Simbol Musik Tempus Imperfectum Cum Prolatione Imperfecta Diminution-1 | |
𝇍 | 𝇍 | \1D1CD | 𝇍 | U+1D1CD | Simbol Musik Tempus Imperfectum Cum Prolatione Imperfecta Diminution-2 | |
𝇎 | 𝇎 | \1D1CE | 𝇎 | U+1D1CE | Simbol Musik Tempus Imperfectum Cum Prolatione Imperfecta Diminution-3 | |
𝇏 | 𝇏 | \1D1CF | 𝇏 | U+1D1CF | Simbol Musik Croix |
Simbol lain-lain / Miscellaneous symbols
Simbol | HTML Code | HTML Entity | CSS Code | Hex Code | Unicode | Keterangan |
𝅭 | 𝅭 | \1D16D | 𝅭 | U+1D16D | Simbol Musik Menggabungkan Titik Augmentasi | |
𝆱 | 𝆱 | \1D1B1 | 𝆱 | U+1D1B1 | Simbol Musik Glissando Up | |
𝆲 | 𝆲 | \1D1B2 | 𝆲 | U+1D1B2 | Simbol Musik Glissando Down | |
𝆳 | 𝆳 | \1D1B3 | 𝆳 | U+1D1B3 | Simbol Musik Dengan Kuku | |
𝆴 | 𝆴 | \1D1B4 | 𝆴 | U+1D1B4 | Simbol Musik Basah | |
𝆵 | 𝆵 | \1D1B5 | 𝆵 | U+1D1B5 | Simbol Musik Basah Semua |
Notehead / Noteheads
Simbol | HTML Code | HTML Entity | CSS Code | Hex Code | Unicode | Keterangan |
𝅃 | 𝅃 | \1D143 | 𝅃 | U+1D143 | Simbol Musik X Buku Catatan | |
𝅄 | 𝅄 | \1D144 | 𝅄 | U+1D144 | Simbol Musik Plus Buku Catatan | |
𝅅 | 𝅅 | \1D145 | 𝅅 | U+1D145 | Simbol Musik Lingkaran X Buku Catatan | |
𝅆 | 𝅆 | \1D146 | 𝅆 | U+1D146 | Simbol Musik Notehead Persegi Putih | |
𝅇 | 𝅇 | \1D147 | 𝅇 | U+1D147 | Simbol Musik Persegi Notehead Hitam | |
𝅈 | 𝅈 | \1D148 | 𝅈 | U+1D148 | Simbol Musik Segitiga Notehead Up Putih | |
𝅉 | 𝅉 | \1D149 | 𝅉 | U+1D149 | Simbol Musik Segitiga Notehead Up Hitam | |
𝅊 | 𝅊 | \1D14A | 𝅊 | U+1D14A | Simbol Musik Segitiga Notehead Kiri Putih | |
𝅋 | 𝅋 | \1D14B | 𝅋 | U+1D14B | Simbol Musik Segitiga Notehead Kiri Hitam | |
𝅌 | 𝅌 | \1D14C | 𝅌 | U+1D14C | Simbol Musik Segitiga Notehead Kanan Putih | |
𝅍 | 𝅍 | \1D14D | 𝅍 | U+1D14D | Simbol Musik Segitiga Notehead Kanan Hitam | |
𝅎 | 𝅎 | \1D14E | 𝅎 | U+1D14E | Simbol Musik Segitiga Notehead Bawah Putih | |
𝅏 | 𝅏 | \1D14F | 𝅏 | U+1D14F | Simbol Musik Segitiga Notehead Bawah Hitam | |
𝅐 | 𝅐 | \1D150 | 𝅐 | U+1D150 | Simbol Musik Segitiga Catatan Atas Kanan Putih | |
𝅑 | 𝅑 | \1D151 | 𝅑 | U+1D151 | Simbol Musik Segitiga Notehead Atas Kanan Hitam | |
𝅒 | 𝅒 | \1D152 | 𝅒 | U+1D152 | Simbol Musik Bulan Notehead Putih | |
𝅓 | 𝅓 | \1D153 | 𝅓 | U+1D153 | Simbol Musik Bulan Notehead Hitam | |
𝅔 | 𝅔 | \1D154 | 𝅔 | U+1D154 | Simbol Musik Segitiga-Bulat Notehead Bawah Putih | |
𝅕 | 𝅕 | \1D155 | 𝅕 | U+1D155 | Simbol Musik Segitiga-Bulat Notehead Bawah Hitam | |
𝅖 | 𝅖 | \1D156 | 𝅖 | U+1D156 | Simbol Musik Tanda Kurung Notehead | |
𝅗 | 𝅗 | \1D157 | 𝅗 | U+1D157 | Simbol Musik Void Notehead | |
𝅘 | 𝅘 | \1D158 | 𝅘 | U+1D158 | Simbol Musik Notehead Hitam | |
𝅙 | 𝅙 | \1D159 | 𝅙 | U+1D159 | Simbol Musik Null Notehead | |
𝅚 | 𝅚 | \1D15A | 𝅚 | U+1D15A | Simbol Musik Cluster Notehead Putih | |
𝅛 | 𝅛 | \1D15B | 𝅛 | U+1D15B | Simbol Musik Cluster Notehead Hitam |
Catatan / Notes
Simbol | HTML Code | HTML Entity | CSS Code | Hex Code | Unicode | Keterangan |
♩ | ♩ | \2669 | ♩ | U+02669 | Seperempat Not | |
♪ | ♪ | ♪ | \266A | ♪ | U+0266A | Catatan Kedelapan |
𝅜 | 𝅜 | \1D15C | 𝅜 | U+1D15C | Simbol Musik Breve | |
𝅝 | 𝅝 | \1D15D | 𝅝 | U+1D15D | Simbol Musik Seluruh Catatan, Semibreve | |
𝅗𝅥 | 𝅗𝅥 | \1D15E | 𝅗𝅥 | U+1D15E | Simbol Musik Setengah Nada, Minimal | |
𝅘𝅥 | 𝅘𝅥 | \1D15F | 𝅘𝅥 | U+1D15F | Not Seperempat Simbol Musik, Crotchet | |
𝅘𝅥𝅮 | 𝅘𝅥𝅮 | \1D160 | 𝅘𝅥𝅮 | U+1D160 | Simbol Musik Not Kedelapan, Quaver | |
𝅘𝅥𝅯 | 𝅘𝅥𝅯 | \1D161 | 𝅘𝅥𝅯 | U+1D161 | Simbol Musik Not Keenam Belas, Semiquaver | |
𝅘𝅥𝅰 | 𝅘𝅥𝅰 | \1D162 | 𝅘𝅥𝅰 | U+1D162 | Simbol Musik Not Tiga Puluh Detik, Demisemiquaver | |
𝅘𝅥𝅱 | 𝅘𝅥𝅱 | \1D163 | 𝅘𝅥𝅱 | U+1D163 | Simbol Musik Not Enam Puluh Empat, Hemidemisemiquaver, Semidemisemiquaver | |
𝅘𝅥𝅲 | 𝅘𝅥𝅲 | \1D164 | 𝅘𝅥𝅲 | U+1D164 | Simbol Musik Nada Seratus Dua Puluh Delapan, Semihemidemisemiquaver, Quasihemidemisemiquaver |
Oktaf / Octaves
Simbol | HTML Code | HTML Entity | CSS Code | Hex Code | Unicode | Keterangan |
𝄶 | 𝄶 | \1D136 | 𝄶 | U+1D136 | Simbol Musik Ottava Alta | |
𝄷 | 𝄷 | \1D137 | 𝄷 | U+1D137 | Simbol Musik Ottava Bassa | |
𝄸 | 𝄸 | \1D138 | 𝄸 | U+1D138 | Simbol Musik Quindicesima Alta | |
𝄹 | 𝄹 | \1D139 | 𝄹 | U+1D139 | Simbol Musik Quindicesima Bassa |
Ornamen / Ornaments
Simbol | HTML Code | HTML Entity | CSS Code | Hex Code | Unicode | Keterangan |
𝆔 | 𝆔 | \1D194 | 𝆔 | U+1D194 | Simbol Musik Grace Note Garis Miring | |
𝆕 | 𝆕 | \1D195 | 𝆕 | U+1D195 | Simbol Musik Grace Note Tanpa Garis Miring | |
𝆖 | 𝆖 | \1D196 | 𝆖 | U+1D196 | Simbol Musik Tr | |
𝆗 | 𝆗 | \1D197 | 𝆗 | U+1D197 | Giliran Simbol Musik | |
𝆘 | 𝆘 | \1D198 | 𝆘 | U+1D198 | Simbol Musik Giliran Terbalik | |
𝆙 | 𝆙 | \1D199 | 𝆙 | U+1D199 | Simbol Musik Mengubah Garis Miring | |
𝆚 | 𝆚 | \1D19A | 𝆚 | U+1D19A | Simbol Musik Muncul | |
𝆛 | 𝆛 | \1D19B | 𝆛 | U+1D19B | Ornamen Simbol Musik Stroke-1 | |
𝆜 | 𝆜 | \1D19C | 𝆜 | U+1D19C | Ornamen Simbol Musik Stroke-2 | |
𝆝 | 𝆝 | \1D19D | 𝆝 | U+1D19D | Ornamen Simbol Musik Stroke-3 | |
𝆞 | 𝆞 | \1D19E | 𝆞 | U+1D19E | Ornamen Simbol Musik Stroke-4 | |
𝆟 | 𝆟 | \1D19F | 𝆟 | U+1D19F | Ornamen Simbol Musik Stroke-5 | |
𝆠 | 𝆠 | \1D1A0 | 𝆠 | U+1D1A0 | Ornamen Simbol Musik Stroke-6 | |
𝆡 | 𝆡 | \1D1A1 | 𝆡 | U+1D1A1 | Ornamen Simbol Musik Stroke-7 | |
𝆢 | 𝆢 | \1D1A2 | 𝆢 | U+1D1A2 | Ornamen Simbol Musik Stroke-8 | |
𝆣 | 𝆣 | \1D1A3 | 𝆣 | U+1D1A3 | Ornamen Simbol Musik Stroke-9 | |
𝆤 | 𝆤 | \1D1A4 | 𝆤 | U+1D1A4 | Ornamen Simbol Musik Stroke-10 | |
𝆥 | 𝆥 | \1D1A5 | 𝆥 | U+1D1A5 | Ornamen Simbol Musik Stroke-11 |
Pedal / Pedals
Simbol | HTML Code | HTML Entity | CSS Code | Hex Code | Unicode | Keterangan |
𝆮 | 𝆮 | \1D1AE | 𝆮 | U+1D1AE | Tanda Pedal Simbol Musik | |
𝆯 | 𝆯 | \1D1AF | 𝆯 | U+1D1AF | Simbol Musik Pedal Up Mark | |
𝆰 | 𝆰 | \1D1B0 | 𝆰 | U+1D1B0 | Simbol Musik Tanda Setengah Pedal |
Istirahat / Rests
Simbol | HTML Code | HTML Entity | CSS Code | Hex Code | Unicode | Keterangan |
𝄩 | 𝄩 | \1D129 | 𝄩 | U+1D129 | Simbol Musik Beberapa Ukuran Istirahat | |
𝄺 | 𝄺 | \1D13A | 𝄺 | U+1D13A | Simbol Musik Istirahat Ganda, Istirahat Ganda, Istirahat Breve | |
𝄻 | 𝄻 | \1D13B | 𝄻 | U+1D13B | Simbol Musik Istirahat Total, Istirahat Semibreve | |
𝄼 | 𝄼 | \1D13C | 𝄼 | U+1D13C | Simbol Musik Setengah Istirahat, Istirahat Minimal | |
𝄽 | 𝄽 | \1D13D | 𝄽 | U+1D13D | Simbol Musik Istirahat Seperempat, Istirahat Crochet | |
𝄾 | 𝄾 | \1D13E | 𝄾 | U+1D13E | Simbol Musik Istirahat Kedelapan, Istirahat Quaver | |
𝄿 | 𝄿 | \1D13F | 𝄿 | U+1D13F | Simbol Musik Istirahat Keenam Belas, Istirahat Semiquaver | |
𝅀 | 𝅀 | \1D140 | 𝅀 | U+1D140 | Simbol Musik Istirahat Tiga Puluh Detik, Istirahat Demisemiquaver | |
𝅁 | 𝅁 | \1D141 | 𝅁 | U+1D141 | Simbol Musik Istirahat Enam Puluh Empat, Istirahat Hemidemisemiquaver, Istirahat Semidemisemiquaver | |
𝅂 | 𝅂 | \1D142 | 𝅂 | U+1D142 | Simbol Musik Istirahat Seratus Dua Puluh Delapan, Istirahat Semihemidemisemiquaver, Istirahat Quasihemidemisemiquaver |
Tanda kurung staf / Staff brackets
Simbol | HTML Code | HTML Entity | CSS Code | Hex Code | Unicode | Keterangan |
𝄔 | 𝄔 | \1D114 | 𝄔 | U+1D114 | Penjepit Simbol Musik | |
𝄕 | 𝄕 | \1D115 | 𝄕 | U+1D115 | Tanda Kurung Simbol Musik |
Tongkat / Staves
Simbol | HTML Code | HTML Entity | CSS Code | Hex Code | Unicode | Keterangan |
𝄖 | 𝄖 | \1D116 | 𝄖 | U+1D116 | Simbol Musik Staf Satu Baris | |
𝄗 | 𝄗 | \1D117 | 𝄗 | U+1D117 | Simbol Musik Staf Dua Baris | |
𝄘 | 𝄘 | \1D118 | 𝄘 | U+1D118 | Simbol Musik Staf Tiga Baris | |
𝄙 | 𝄙 | \1D119 | 𝄙 | U+1D119 | Simbol Musik Staf Empat Baris | |
𝄚 | 𝄚 | \1D11A | 𝄚 | U+1D11A | Simbol Musik Staf Lima Baris | |
𝄛 | 𝄛 | \1D11B | 𝄛 | U+1D11B | Simbol Musik Staf Enam Baris |
Batang / Stems
Simbol | HTML Code | HTML Entity | CSS Code | Hex Code | Unicode | Keterangan |
𝅥 | 𝅥 | \1D165 | 𝅥 | U+1D165 | Simbol Musik Menggabungkan Batang | |
𝅦 | 𝅦 | \1D166 | 𝅦 | U+1D166 | Simbol Musik Yang Menggabungkan Batang Sprechgesang |
Tabulasi / Tablature
Simbol | HTML Code | HTML Entity | CSS Code | Hex Code | Unicode | Keterangan |
𝄜 | 𝄜 | \1D11C | 𝄜 | U+1D11C | Simbol Musik Fretboard Enam Senar | |
𝄝 | 𝄝 | \1D11D | 𝄝 | U+1D11D | Simbol Musik Fretboard Empat Senar |
Tanda tangan waktu / Time signatures
Simbol | HTML Code | HTML Entity | CSS Code | Hex Code | Unicode | Keterangan |
𝄴 | 𝄴 | \1D134 | 𝄴 | U+1D134 | Simbol Musik Waktu Bersama | |
𝄵 | 𝄵 | \1D135 | 𝄵 | U+1D135 | Simbol Musik Memotong Waktu |
Tremolo / Tremolos
Simbol | HTML Code | HTML Entity | CSS Code | Hex Code | Unicode | Keterangan |
𝅧 | 𝅧 | \1D167 | 𝅧 | U+1D167 | Simbol Musik Menggabungkan Tremolo-1 | |
𝅨 | 𝅨 | \1D168 | 𝅨 | U+1D168 | Simbol Musik Menggabungkan Tremolo-2 | |
𝅩 | 𝅩 | \1D169 | 𝅩 | U+1D169 | Simbol Musik Menggabungkan Tremolo-3 | |
𝅪 | 𝅪 | \1D16A | 𝅪 | U+1D16A | Simbol Musik Berjari Tremolo-1 | |
𝅫 | 𝅫 | \1D16B | 𝅫 | U+1D16B | Simbol Musik Berjari Tremolo-2 | |
𝅬 | 𝅬 | \1D16C | 𝅬 | U+1D16C | Simbol Musik Berjari Tremolo-3 |